Insects that Reside in or Around your Tree.

Trees are among few living life forms that can live for hundreds, if not thousands of years for certain species. Trees are useful to people and assume a fundamental part in balancing nature. As well as giving shade, trees can assist with erosion control and further develop water quality. They give living space to wildlife and serve as a fundamental component in the environment.

The advantages of having trees on our property are various, however the much-feared pests could stop you from taking full advantage of the benefits of having a tree. A few pests might be more destructive than others, depending upon what kind of pests assaults your trees.

For instance, a few bugs will harm the tree while different bugs feed off the tree. Different pests like fungi, bacteria, and viruses don’t directly hurt the tree, however their presence influences trees.

Here is a rundown of the 6 most well-known pests that can harm your tree:


First on our rundown are termites. They eat wood. They like to remain close to your home. Termites harm roots and destroy the constitution of the tree. They can cause holes in the trunk and branches. At the time when this occurs, there could be sap leaking out of the holes made by termites. Assuming termite damage happens in the crown of a tree, the leaves become yellow and wither off.


On the chance that you saw small passages in your tree’s stem, then known borers have been there previously. Borers make passages within a tree and afterward feed by sucking the delicate tissue of the plant and can destroy whole trunks in a short amount of time. A borer might resemble a small circular hold in the bark. These pests normally assault conifers like pines, firs, and spruces.


Aphids are small green bugs that suck the juices from the stems of plants. They are most common in the spring and summer months. Aphids will quite often gather at the base of a tree and spread their eggs all through the tree. Once the hatchlings hatch, they start benefiting from the tree’s new growth. Aphids are exceptionally difficult to remove once they feed on the tree.


Number 4 on our rundown is the mealybugs. They are little white or brown oval-formed bugs. They connect themselves to the tree’s bark using suction cups. Mealybugs love to devour the sap of the tree.

Scale Insects

With a turn of a leaf whose backside is looking up, you will probably see a bug enveloped in a thick waxy layer. Scale bugs are sometimes seen hanging down from the branch tips. These bugs are hard to see since they blend into the surroundings.


Moth caterpillars are among the most terrible pests that you can find plaguing your trees. Caterpillar moths lay their eggs on the outer layer of the tree. After incubating, the hatchlings spin webs and tunnel through the tree. Hatchlings of moth caterpillars can undoubtedly kill youthful trees.


The best protection against pests is anticipation. Along these lines, ensure you set up bug control measures. A couple of bug control strategies include:

  • Dipping your tree in insecticide solutions
  • Spraying the pesticide directly onto the pest
  • Utilizing traps like lures
  • Pheromone traps
  • Glue Boards
  • Pruning


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